
Treating Data as our Most Valuable Asset, Getting Smart

This Getting Smart blog post details how interoperability helps educators spend less time managing data and more time serving students (January 3, 2022)

Project Unicorn
Interoperability Certification

I oversaw the design and launch of the Project Unicorn Interoperability Certification. The certification enables EdTech vendors to signal their product’s level of data interoperability, increasing transparency across the market.

Project Unicorn
State of the Sector Report

In October 2021, Project Unicorn’s State of the Sector Report was released via EdWeek. I co-authored the report and performed all data analysis based on the results of Project Unicorn’s School System Data Survey, which was conducted from April - July of 2021.

Interview with EdTech Focus on K-12

I spoke with EdTech Focus on K-12 about data equity and the importance of interoperability in 5 Tips for Effectively Curating Student Data (May 6, 2021)


Data Analytics